Registered charity
No. 1076362



Yatton and Congresbury Wildlife Action Group

Yatton and Congresbury Wildlife Action Group (YACWAG) is a registered charity whose aims are to establish and maintain nature reserves in the North Somerset Parishes of Yatton and Congresbury for the benefit of the public, and to advance education in natural history and nature conservation.

Registered charity
No. 1076362

Welcome to the YACWAG website

YACWAG has been working for people and wildlife in Yatton and Congresbury for over 25 years. Use the menu at the top of the screen to find out more. YACWAG is run entirely by volunteers and there are lots of ways to get involved. Please become a member and support nature in Yatton and Congresbury - and beyond. Members receive a newsletter six times a year with details of events and activities. Most events are posted on the Calendar here with an easy-to-use listing below.


Latest news

Bird News: September 2024

On the 2nd, two Hobbies were perched on a T-pylon visible from Lampley Road, Kingston Seymour before flying off towards Kenn and there was a repeat performance two days later…
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Bird News: August 2024

A young Sparrowhawk was still calling continually by Yatton railway station on the 3rd and another was chasing a frisbee (yes really) in a garden in Congresbury. This was also…
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Bird News: July 2024

There was still some song early in the month, with Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed Warbler and Whitethroat all singing at the Yatton end of Wemberham Lane on the 5th. The far…
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Bird News: June 2024

The meteorological first day of summer (June 1st) dawned sunny but two Cormorants on a pylon near the railway were Autumn birds! Both Common and Lesser Whitethroat sang briefly by…
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Bird News: May 2024

Two Red Kites flew south over the Little River on the 5th, the first Yatton record for several weeks. On the same day three Siskins were still visiting a garden…
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Bird News: April 2024

An early House Martin was over Derham Park on the 4th and on the same day four Lapwings were on the Wemberham maize stubble field with around 20 Linnets nearby.…
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Our nature reserves

Protecting your natural environment for generations to come

Our nature reserves are owned by YACWAG and held for us by the Official Custodian of Trustees, which means that come what may our sites will remain for nature and the community for ever. Where possible we are working to extend all our sites.

Learn about wildlife

Know your neighbours in nature and how to help them

Get involved

Participate in any way you can

YACWAG needs volunteers to help with the running of the charity. If you could help at local events on a YACWAG stall or develop educational activities that would fill a gap. We could use your skills in art, photography, administration, event organisation, wildlife surveying, etc. Even if you have no experience, if you are interested in doing something please let us have your ideas. Lots of our best work has started that way.


Help support our efforts