Support us


YACWAG needs people to help us deliver our charitable objectives. Occasionally we need help with practical work on our reserves or elsewhere. These activities will be advertised on the Calendar below and you should let us know of your interest in helping in this way.

Get involved

YACWAG has an involvement with the Yatton station garden, which is a nature-friendly space. The garden would welcome more volunteers who will be vetted and briefed by Network Rail.

As well as outdoor opportunities there are many ongoing and one-off tasks you could help with including surveys, bird box maintenance, administration, digitising and organising our archive of old photos and press cuttings, writing letters to the council and MPs, commenting on planning applications, submitting biological records to the national database, organising events and social occasions for our members, etc. We are always open to new ideas and new projects so if you have an idea for something you think YACWAG could be doing please let us know.

YACWAG has an involvement with the Yatton station garden, which is a nature-friendly space. The garden would welcome more volunteers who will be vetted and briefed by Network Rail. 

As well as outdoor opportunities there are many ongoing and one-off tasks you could help with including surveys, bird box maintenance, administration, digitising and organising our archive of old photos and press cuttings, writing letters to the council and MPs, commenting on planning applications, submitting biological records to the national database, organising events and social occasions for our members, etc. We are always open to new ideas and new projects so if you have an idea for something you think YACWAG could be doing please let us know.