Bird News: July 2024

There was still some song early in the month, with Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed Warbler and Whitethroat all singing at the Yatton end of Wemberham Lane on the 5th. The far end of the Lane produced a Hobby flying purposefully south east (purposefully is a Hobby’s slowest speed). It may be nesting in the general area or more likely it was a young non breeding bird. It was encouraging to find three juvenile Swallows on wires by the Lane.

There was more song along the Strawberry Line and the young Kestrels from our Reserve have all fledged, one was calling impatiently from a tree to be fed. Six Swifts were over Chestnut Park, Yatton and 50 + were seen over Rectory Farm/ Strawberry Line, Yatton.

Another search around Brockley, Cleeve and Claverham failed to turn up a Yellowhammer. It is looking as if we have lost the species from this area (unless you know different). There were a few butterflies around (11th) but overall it seems to have been an exceptionally poor Spring and early Summer for insects. By mid month more Swifts were being reported over Yatton at High Street (south end), Stowey Road and Horsecastle Chapel.

A Green Sandpiper over Congresbury was an early returning or passage migrant and a Barn Owl has been reported on several days generally near the river. A Hobby over the pylon line on the 16th was an interesting and perhaps promising sighting, a Spotted Flycatcher in a lucky members garden equally so and two Goldcrests singing by North End roundabout were the first recorded in that area.

Cadbury Hill produced both Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, four Treecreepers, Mistle Thrush, Coal and Marsh Tit and a Spotted Flycatcher, probably the bird mentioned above, on the 18th. A pair of Egyptian Geese by the Strawberry Line at Congresbury were more interesting than welcome. Introduced wildfowl have a negative impact on native species. The next day a Sparrowhawk was mobbed by at least 30 hirundines over Chestnut park and another by two Swifts over Horsecastle.

Swifts became more numerous or obvious as the month went on, lots over our Kenn Moor Reserve and my first Kingfisher sighting of the year by Wemberham Lane. Sparrowhawks had noisy young towards the end of the month a a female was feeding itself in a Congresbury garden, see video below. There was another sighting of a Hobby by the River Yeo.

Sparrowhawk with prey by Sue Lovesey (Warning: this video contains scenes which some viewers may find upsetting)

By the month end an encouraging number of young House Martins were calling from nests on Chestnut Park and a Stonechat with two young was by the River near to Gang Wall. Meanwhile an owl species was making a lot of noisy unfamiliar sounds by Yatton Recreation ground and a Little Owl was recorded from the Congresbury section of the Strawberry Line. The Kingfisher put in another appearance on the 31st by which time our young Barn Owls has fledged.

Members sightings are always very welcome at

Trevor Riddle