Books & documents


Our Library is a place to find YACWAG videos, images, audio, books and documents.

Articles & eBooks

YACWAG's Glebelands Trail ~ Nature, art and history in the historic heart of Yatton

Two page PDF with activities and interesting information about the village green by the community centre Yatton Village Hall near the High Street and Church Road.

YACWAG's Ten Acres reserve on Congresbury Moor

Two in depth articles written by Faith and Tony Moulin. The first appeared in "Nature in Avon" in 2002 (Volume 62. copyright @Bristol Naturalists’ Society) and covers the formation of YACWAG and it's first land acquisition, a ten-acre field.  A follow up shorter piece written almost two decades later covers some of the changes the site has seen, detailing wildlife numbers, and further land acquisition.


YACWAG Tree Trails

Devised by Alex Ballard and Faith Moulin (2013 and updated in 2024).

These local walks have been produced by YACWAG to promote our amazing trees and encourage us to care for them. You can follow the trail using this leaflet (PDF) by following the map's red dotted line and by reading the accompanying text which provides directions and the names of the trees you will see. Both these small publications are available here free of charge as a downloadable PDF.

Books for sale

The publications below are shown here for reference, please visit our shop section to check for availability.

Treasured Trees of Yatton and Congresbury

Brilliant Birds of Yatton & Congresbury