Founder member of YACWAG.
“I was ‘always’ interested in nature and when we moved to Yatton in 1975 that developed with our family. When our daughter, Natasha, was 12, she won a national WATCH competition to design a wildlife garden and received Chris Baines’ inspirational book on the subject. We started a WATCH group for older children and that led us into Avon Wildlife Trust. Tony and I ran the WATCH group for 13 years and a local Wildlife Trust group as well. Learning all the time, I did a 12 month course as a tree warden and developed my love of trees. Secretarially trained and interested in writing I became editor of the Avon Watch and Wildlife Trust magazines in the 90s, and now edit the YACWAG newsletter. I became a Trustee of YACWAG because I am totally committed to its work. I also act as the Chairperson’s personal assistant.”